Monday, March 19, 2012

Afraid of The Dentist? You Don't Need To Be!

Dreading an upcoming appointment with your dentist or even just setting up an overdue appointment? Dental phobia is fairly common, but it doesn’t have to be. Even just within the past few years, modern dentistry has advanced in the direction of catering to patients with a high level of dental fear. Whether you tremble at the idea of an anesthetic injection or the sound of a dental drill makes you want to run for the door, you should know that you have nothing to fear.  

In earlier generations, needles were thicker instruments that were sterilized between use. Ironically meant to numb pain, they were some of the biggest sources of pain in the entire dentist’s office! These days, most every needle is disposable and much, much small than its bulkier predecessor. Because of the disposable nature of the needles, there is zero likelihood of a dulled needle being used. In addition to this, many times a numbing gel is applied to the gums before the injection, making the injection itself virtually painless.

One of the most feared aspects of visiting the dentist is the sound of the drill. It might not even be the drill itself, but the sound of the drill is enough to leave some in a state of panic. Over the years, the drills have been becoming progressively quieter. With some air-powered models, you may not hear the drill much at all if anything else is happening. To deaden the noise any further, bring in your headphones and an mp3 or cd player with your favorite music to listen to during any procedure that requires a drill. Keep the pause button handy so that the dentist can communicate with you.

The number one aspect of your dental visit to keep in mind is that your dentist is your friend and wants you to be as comfortable as possible. After all, they would have trouble keeping patients if they didn’t! Before the dentist or hygienist starts, take a moment to explain your differing fears or sensitivities to them to ensure they can accommodate you in the chair. Good communication with your dentist or hygienist will insure the most comfortable experience. And always remember; dodging the dentist will only make your appointments that much less pleasant. When you give the dentist an opportunity to catch different problems for they can progress and become much more serious, the less time you’ll ultimately end up spending in the chair.
For superior dental work, head over to Dr. Larry James’ website and see how you can become a patient for the most comfortable dental experience in the Tulsa area. If you’re having trouble dealing with your dental phobia, let the professionals at ease your fears with explanations of how to minimize unfavorable experiences at the dentists’ office. And remember: the dentist is your friend! 

1 comment:

  1. There are many mouth diseases that are cured by using useful tips suggested by dentist so we have to visit dentist regularly for healthy smile.

    torrance dentist


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