Thursday, December 6, 2012

An Apple a Day Keeps the Dentist Away

We have all heard it said that "an apple a day keeps the doctor away."  But did you know that eating an apple every day can also help keep the dentist away?  This is not a myth.  Your parents weren't lying when they said to eat your fruits and vegetables.  Fresh fruits keep your teeth happy and healthy, especially apples.  Apples help reduce the build-up of cavity causing bacteria and keep your gums in good shape!  So how about packing an apple in your lunch every day along with your children's lunches?  Getting in the habit of eating just one apple every day can give you a healthier mouth and keep you out of the dentist's office.  But don't give your kids juice boxes!  Juice boxes can actually cause tooth decay because of the added sugar.  Do yourself and your kids a favor by getting them in the habit of eating fresh fruits with their meals rather than sugary drinks.

Dr. Larry F. James is a Tulsa dentist devoted to helping give his customers a less painful and more beautiful smile.  If you are experiencing tooth aches and pains or are unsatisfied with the way your teeth look, Dr. Larry F. James would be happy to give you the treatment you need coupled with an enjoyable experience.  For the best Tulsa dentist, contact Larry F. James today!

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