Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Diet Soda & Your Teeth

So, you've given up on that sugary substance known as soda pop once and for all - instead switching over to diet soda. You've scrapped the sugar and calories you're feeling pretty good about making a health decision. What if someone told you that your health decision isn't all that much better? 

In addition to continuing to stain your teeth, diet soda is still just as acidic as it's sugary counterpart. You'll never see a dentist cringe quite so much as you would from seeing them experience someone claiming diet soda is a healthy alternative to regular pop. Far from a healthy beverage, drinkers of diet colas should still be careful to maintain their dental hygiene just as they would with normal soda drinks. While you do escape the sugar associated with the carbonated beverage, everything else remains - including the enamel-destroying acid! Though it may end up helping you slim down your waist, diet soda and your teeth are not the best combination. 

Tulsa dentist Dr. Larry James, D.D.S. is pleased to bring you quality dental care. For a dentist Tulsa residents have been smiling about yearly a quarter-century, look no further than Dr. Larry James! 

1 comment:

  1. I agree that excess of diet soda consumption can harm your teeth sometime. Diet soda consist acidic as it's sugary counterpart. Have to take care lot in such cases, as just because a soda is diet doesn't make it acid-light. Diet Soda drinkers had far greater decay, more missing teeth, and more fillings. Our St Albert Dentist will offer you quality advise and treatment which will help you to protect your teeth.


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