We all know the drill. Brush your teeth several times a day. However, most of are always in a rush and taking care of our mouths turns into brushing our teeth as quickly as possible and heading for the door. But brushing out teeth can actually not be very effective if it is done quickly. Each person should spend at least two minutes every time they brush their teeth. Spending just a couple of minutes on your teeth can keep them healthier in the long-run! Now, with your children, it may be a little bit more of a challenge to keep them in the bathroom that long. Don't you wish there was some sort of gadget you could get that would keep your children entertained as well as train them to brush their teeth every time for the two minutes? Well now there is!
Trendy Kid has come up with a handy device called the
Wash and Brush Timer that teaches kids the appropriate time for washing their hands and brushing their teeth. This little gadget will get your child excited to do both! You can easily get this timer on Amazon for a cheap price! How great to pay so little for such a long-term investment!
Dr. Larry F. James is a general and cosmetic practitioner out of Tulsa, Oklahoma. Dr. Larry F. James and his dental specialists genuinely care about the dental concerns of their patients. To get the smile you have been waiting for, call or visit Dr. Larry F. James dental office today!