If you've ever been to the dentist, there is a good chance that you've been given a lecture on not flossing enough. Though most people tend to zone out or even nod off during this lecture, some of these same individuals are destined to return to have cavities filled that could have been easily prevented with a regular flossing regimen. Even when people do floss, some do not floss properly in order to see real benefits. So, though you could have picked this up while in the dentist's chair had you not been tuning out the flossing lecture, do you know if you're flossing properly?
When to floss.
Though some may look at you funny for flossing before you brush, this is actually the most recommended method of flossing. Individuals with any concern for their dental health are encouraged to add flossing to their nightly dental ritual just before brushing. By brushing before you floss, you help free up particles of food, plaque, and other debris caught between teeth in order for your tooth brush to give such material the one-two punch out of your mouth. After brushing, some form of mouth rinse is recommended in order to rid the mouth of the particles you just flossed and brushed out from behind nooks and crannies in the mouth.
What to floss to use.
While dentists will say "any floss is better than no floss", the best floss or flossing device is the floss that you'll actually want to use. At times, pulling out the floss, properly wrapping it around your fingers, and pushing your fingers into the hard-to-reach areas of your mouth can seem like far too much work; especially if there are no particles evident upon looking in the mirror. In order to remedy this, there are many disposable floss picks on the market that take the hassle out of finger-wrapping and keep your digits out of your mouth. Though these picks can cost just a little bit more than the average box of floss, they're still much cheaper than taking time off work, school, or away from other activities to have a cavity drilled and filled with a filling that will someday have to be replaced.
Few people actually understand how closely the health of the teeth and gums are tied to other aspects of the body. Gum infections can result in pain, tooth loss, and infections can spread to other parts of the body; some of which, when infected, can be potentially life-threatening. Flossing properly takes 2 minutes at the most and has the ability to greatly improve one's dental health. Flossing becomes much less of a burden when it becomes a habit and will usually become an activity that you look forward to doing in order to restore "that clean feeling" to your mouth before bedtime.
For more information on how to floss properly, Coast Dental answers many dental floss questions the average floss user (or non-user). For a reliable family dentist Tulsa, OK dental patients know and trust, look no further and Tulsa dentist Dr. Larry James, D.D.S., for all your dental needs.

If the sound of the modern dental drill sends shivers down your spine, try the sound of two pieces of wood rubbing together with a strand of leather used to hollow out your teeth with no anesthetic. While today's dental devices can creep out the most hardened individuals, yesterday's dental instruments can even make dentists wince. From a cocaine-injecting crank-syringe to a pliers that, when twisted to extract a tooth, sometimes accidentally broke the patient's jaw, the blog of Dental Assistants Schools has 13 of the creepiest "old school" dental instruments. If any of these tools scare you, be aware that modern dental instruments pale in comparison. With virtually no pain and very little discomfort, Tulsa dentist Dr. Larry James, D.D.S. and his experienced dental staff can perform many cosmetic and restorative dental procedures to have you showing off your smile at every opportunity. Experience all the comforts of modern technology from dentist Tulsa trusts to deliver quality family dentistry at the office of Dr. Larry James, D.D.S.
In many instances, people are happy enough with simply getting around to brushing their teeth. Few brushers think all too much about how their brushing habits could be harming their teeth or what that said happens entail for their dental health. From the Huffington Post's Dental Health page comes a write up on how many people are actually doing their teeth a disservice by how they treat their pearly whites. From not brushing in the right motion, not brushing long enough, to using the wrong toothpaste or tootbrush, Huffington Post's Health Living specialist Amanda Schupak chronicles where most people aren't doing all that they can to ensure a healthy brushing experience. For more information on Tulsa family dentistry, visit the official site of Tulsa dentist Dr. Larry James. Proud to be the dentist Tulsa trusts with a whole range of procedures, Dr. Larry James and his staff of experienced dental professionals are dedicated to brightening Tulsa's smiles.

Scientists have long been studying the effects of music on the human psyche and how it can serve a therapeutic function, but it hasn't been till recently that researchers have turned their attention to dental-specific music therapy. With advances in noise-canceling headphones and music designed to induce a light and positive feeling, music therapy buffs have been able to tailor music to the desired results with reasonable success. Though the music varies from person to person, music therapy researchers and dentists recommend that dental patients try and find out what music most soothes them for the best desired results for their next dental appointment. Other factors, such as understanding the positive results of the dental procedure as well as getting to know the dentist who is going to be performing said procedure, are other ways patients can further relax when placed into a dental situation that would usually be filled with anxiety. For more information, check out this write up from iDentalHub.com for further tips on how to calm dental fear. For a more-than-capable Tulsa dentist, visit the official website of the dentist Tulsa patients have trusted for years at Dr. Larry James, D.D.S.