Rumored to have been one of the most intelligent people who had ever lived, there have been many studies done on the inner-workings of Albert Einstein's brain. Still, within all of these endeavors of neural research of the Father of Relativity, not much study has done on the genius' teeth. From the blog of Stephan Pohlmann come one of the first looks at the professor's famous teeth. In Haddasah Hospital and University rests a copy of the famous minds' dental impressions along with a letter. To read the letter and get another look at some of the most famous dental impressions, check out Pohlmann's blog of the dental universe.
For more information quality family dentistry in the Tulsa area, log on to the official website of Dr. Larry James, D.D.S.
Monday, July 30, 2012
Friday, July 27, 2012
Running Out AFTER a Tooth Extraction?
It's too bad that dental offices don't trade for teeth for services or else this next report might have wound up a tad less painful!
According to the online newspaper, Pike County, Pennsylvania resident Jay Meyerhoff was taken to court for robbing a local dentist. What exactly did he steal from the dentist at Horizon Dental? A tooth extraction. According to the dentist's office, Mr. Meyerhoff entered the offices just like any other patient. He sat down and filled out the paperwork; giving the office staff no reason to believe anything was amiss. On his paperwork, however, Meyerhoff put down his name as James R. Irving, and the procedure of having a wisdom tooth extracted started off without a hitch after Meyerhoff told the staff that he would be paying for procedure with a check. Following the procedure, Meyerhoff reportedly told the office staff that he had left his checkbook in his car, headed out the door, and never came back. Investigators tracked down Meyerhoff shortly after based on evidence he had left with another dentists' office - his photograph. Meyerhoff is currently serving a year in state prison for Theft of Services after having run out on his $322.00 wisdom tooth extraction bill.
Was a free ride in the chair worth a year in prison? You tell us! For quality dental services for the whole family, trust the experts at Dr. Larry James, D.D.S. to bring bright smiles all over Tulsa, OK and beyond.
Was a free ride in the chair worth a year in prison? You tell us! For quality dental services for the whole family, trust the experts at Dr. Larry James, D.D.S. to bring bright smiles all over Tulsa, OK and beyond.
Tuesday, July 17, 2012
Breaking the Habit: Stopping Thumb Sucking Before It's Too Late
There are many different ways to help your children break the thumb-sucking habit. Of course, each method has varying degrees of success depending on the child.
- Don't let them start. Some professionals recommend trying to get children accustomed to using pacifiers from early infancy when they become fussy and are in need of nurturing. Though many parents give up on getting their babies to take a pacifier because it can seem quite difficult initially, the hard work pays off in the future. As the baby becomes accustomed to using a pacifier, they will go towards it instead of their thumb. As they exceed the age of innocent pacifier use and thumb-sucking, a pacifier can be taken away with only some fussiness to get over. An object taken away is always easier for a child to get cope with than trying to break a once-acceptable habit.
- Say "yay!" over nay. Instead of telling a child that they are no longer allowed to suck their thumb, some parents opt for using positive reinforcement to encourage children to stop sucking their thumb. By congratulating children on their lack of thumb sucking or giving them some form of small reward or privilege for not sucking their thumb, this makes the child want to break the habit on their own. Because this method requires an actual change in behavior by means of positive reinforcement only, it may take more time with varying degrees of success depending on the child.
- Make it unappealing. By making thumb-sucking an unpleasant experience for children, this will remove the soothing benefit children derive from the habit. Since children most frequently suck their thumbs in their sleep, some parents find that having the child wear gloves during bed time and nap time makes thumb sucking difficult if not unpleasant. Some other parents find success by applying an apple cider vinegar solution to their children's thumbs that gives the child's thumbs a very unpleasant taste. There are a variety of bad-tasting non-toxic solutions on the market specifically for this purpose. Over time, you can stop using gloves or a bad-tasting solution and remind the child that if they continue to suck their thumbs, you'll apply the gloves or "yucky" solutions once again. This is frequently enough deterrent to get them break the habit.
Monday, July 9, 2012
Top Ten Reasons Why People Dislike the Dentist
Tuesday, July 3, 2012
Dental Thought Innovation
Though there have been many breakthroughs in dental innovation, the least of these breakthroughs have been in the technology available to dentists, hygienists, and patients. For the most part, the biggest dental breakthroughs have been in a shift of focus from the dental practices of our parents' and grandparents' generation to the practices of today. Many dentists of yesteryear were primarily focused on fixing problems as they would occur and a lot of them didn't even have dental hygienists on staff! As a new generation of kids grow up to become dental hygienists and dentists, the focus has been shifted from how to fix damage that occurs in the wake of gum disease and tooth decay to how to prevent damage that occurs from gum disease and tooth decay. Where dental hygienists were simply the dentist's assistants, hygienists of today play the crucial role of identifying where patients are lacking in their dental health and showing them what they can do to prevent gum disease and tooth decay. They have a unique responsibility that they previously didn't receive as much acclaim for. According to the amount of people who are keeping their teeth further into their lives with fewer problems, one can rightfully say they're doing a great job!
For a very clever write-up on the roles of dental hygienists and dentists both in the past and present, read this article from Dr. Joe Bulger of Toronto, Canada. In order to discover how you can better your oral hygiene habits or fix past dental damage, visit the official website of Tulsa, OK's own Dr. Larry James, D.D.S. today!
For a very clever write-up on the roles of dental hygienists and dentists both in the past and present, read this article from Dr. Joe Bulger of Toronto, Canada. In order to discover how you can better your oral hygiene habits or fix past dental damage, visit the official website of Tulsa, OK's own Dr. Larry James, D.D.S. today!
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